Friday, April 29, 2011

Simple Weight Losing Techniques & Exercises

Simple Weight Losing Techniques & Exercises

This is for our friends who have gained weight and are not satisfied being overweight.
This is simple for those who have stairs at their home, what you need to do is to inhale deeply from the nose and flatten your belly then hold your breath, do not expand belly while inhaling you have to flatten it and hold breath then climb your stairs, hold your breath for as long as you can then stop and exhale from mouth do not strain yourself, if you can hold breath for 5 seconds it is fine or if more without straining yourself then it’s good, then continue climbing and repeating the breath technique or if you want to climb down after you have reached first floor or second, then climb down repeating the breath technique, do it whenever you use your stairs, also set half an hour from your daily routine for this technique do it on your stairs, for those who do not have stairs do it at your gallery or open area just walk while holding breath and tightening belly, after performing this exercise relax for few minutes then stand straight and slowly bend keeping legs straight try touching your toes repeat it 20 times.

For those who can afford to jog in the morning or evening, then it is extra beneficial for them, jog very slowly in the beginning so as to reserve your strength and slowly built your stamina, do not consider those who are moving faster than yourself they are not your consideration, only you yourself is, jog slowly with uniform pace try to do it for 15 to 20 minutes, with time your speed, stamina shall increase gradually, your body will indicate to you when you can increase your speed without tiring much, do these exercises consistently and daily, consistency and will power is the key to success.

These are the most simple, effective, proven and natural ways for toning yourself and for your health, always adopt natural ways for your health never use drugs for body shaping as these things though attractive and effective temporarily have long lasting side effects which are very dangerous for mental and physical health, if you want to live long and be healthy then always stick to natural ways.
Until for the next time !

by HD.

Sunday, April 17, 2011







Following the hype of Wrestle Mania 27 this spring, remembering back the time when I myself was a big wrestling fan or a wrestle maniac, remembering the Golden Age and the great Attitude Era of pro-wrestling, the question is “Does the hype today live up to the expectations of a true wrestle maniac”?

‘Oh ELL Nooo’!

And it has been years after years past ever since, it is no longer as it was back then when Mr. Attitude himself aka Stone Cold launched his era at Wrestle Mania 14 and the wrestling took a whole new interesting turn , back when the Hitman collided with the Showstopper, going further back when the Ultimate Warrior pinned Hulk Hogan for the WWF Championship yeah the WWF Championship not the WWE Championship to set it straight, those were the wrestling days for all the wrestle maniacs creating a wrestle maniac after wrestle maniac.

But now the slow decay of the pro-wrestling spirit continues as it turned from a bigshow to almost a lowshow, may be due to the lack of charisma of new wrestlers or most certainly due to pathetic creative department crew, as Austin 3:16 said “he just whipped someone’s”, while McMahon 3:16 may have pissed his pants, but for now HD 3:16 says “I just flipped the truth” for those who can see me, as most of the wrestle maniacs died off while those who survived are left wrestling with the shadows.

By HD.

You ‘re WrestleMania Moment



You ‘re WrestleMania Moment !

  The Shining Moment of Your Life…!

Austin's shinng moment Have you ever won the royal rumble and went on to win your most coveted prize at a grand stage ?

O yes you have ! We all do have our cherishing moments and for that phase of time you and I are icons in our own high league, remember the moment when you picked 500 pounds of your trouble, pressed it up your shoulders and slammed it down to the mat for good, the moment when you defeated your biggest opponent in a grueling competition and get appreciated, the moment when you chokeslammed your worries twenty feet below or ever have you rockbottomed your way to the top.


Hitman's shining moment Back in the school time when you got a ceremonial prize and everyone applauded you, the time when you won sport competition and get cheered by all, the time when you defeated a long time bully and your friends turned into your fans, the time when you stunned your boss for your due rights, the time when you sacrificed for your loved ones, the time when you reunited with past memories with a huge ovation, the time when you heroically saved someone or something, the time when you won the person of your heart, the time when you became hero for yourself or someone, for that was your WrestleMania Moment, a big applause for all those iconic moments that cemented your legend in the stone of time, as they shall remain in your memory so do embrace them, cherish them and share them.

For those who haven’t won yet, keep on competing in the rumble until you lift your championship title at a grand daddy of them all !

by HD.