Sunday, May 17, 2020

Pandemic COVID-19: Is iT a Call for Renewal




Pandemic COVID-19: Is iT a Call for Renewal

by Dan Man


Global Renewal through Corona Virus


Strange Times of a Pandemic called Covid-19

What the heck just happened? How do we all come to this event which changed almost everything, who did it, an act of Nature’s wrath on humankind, or dirty & ugliest conspiracy to control by the elite and the ruling lobby? Whatever it is in this strange time of uncertainty are you fretting about what may come next, financial calamity or worse, or are you regretting choices you've made in the past which brought you to where you are now?

If you are fretting or regretting, you are missing the opportunity.

Corona Confusion


The Moment of Thought during an invisible Pandemic

This very moment - now - is a gift. We've been given the privilege and the opportunity to explore and experience, learn and grow, create and contribute. We have now been given the gift of making a monumental choice.

What are you making of your gift, your talents, your intellect, your wisdom?

Now is always an opportunity; an opportunity to become a better version of ourselves, or an opportunity to resist. "Resist what?" you might ask. Resist life cajoling us to become all we are meant to be.

Covid-19 Pandemic effecting the new digital modernized world out of the blue


Speaking for myself, God is standing by my side, guiding, guarding and feeding me, and holding me aloft in times of trouble, and yet still, after years & years I fail to heed the quiet and persistent call - guidance offering me peace and love and joy. Instead I resist. Can't do that; that would make me look like a fool. Can't do that; that would take too much effort. Can't do that; that is beneath me. Can't do that; and a million and one other excuses. There's always tomorrow...

Until there isn't.



Now or Never: Time to search for truth

Will Covid-19 Pandemic change us for better or worse?In terms of a lifetime. Yes we have this moment, but what we are really looking forward to and waiting for is that fantastical moment in the hopefully not too distant future when all the stars align, all the ducks are in a row, and we finally arrive to our glory. Thinking of this perfection fantasy; it seems more like a description of our final passing then of some likely reality. Perfect is what life is; not what we are waiting for. The challenge of living is not changing life; the challenge we took on and are immersed in is changing our own selves. We must learn to live in, love and embrace the opportunity in each & every moment.

So, what should I do now, in this moment?

Covid-19 Pandemic has a Message for You


   Covid-19 & Lockdown a Plannedemic?



Covid-19 Pandemic is a message so powerful and so pervasive - for us and for the world - it seems impossible to ignore.

So 'Are we listening’? Are we going to see the opportunity? And are we going to make the right choice?'

We all have an opportunity before us; and so do we. In every moment the opportunity is to choose: to set our emotional state - & determine our course and act.

Covid-19 is upending lives all around the world and for what purpose?

Covid-19 Pandemic a Life changing event It's a call for us to reconsider our priorities and determine what really matters. It's an opportunity for me and you, and perhaps ultimately all of us to change direction. Covid-19 is a call for a substantial course correction; a great reset. Are we going to heed the call?

Making a prediction is really difficult, especially about the future, but I'm going to speculate: the future we experience as individuals, families, communities and nations will depend on the choices we make here and now - in this moment.

Post Pandemic World: Will we allow them to take from Us

Pandemic crisis & its beneficiaries, will you submit your intellect to themChange is hard and sometimes painful. But change can also be beautiful and joyful and magnificent. Are we going to resist and shrink from the health, financial and economic challenges before us or are we going to embrace this opportunity to usher in a new and better experience? People are dying because of Covid-19. The world economy is at risk of imploding. People are huddled in their homes. Many are fearful and afraid. But Covid-19 is not an emissary of destruction; it's a call to renewal.

The Covid-19 crisis is a plea for us to replace the "every-man-for-himself" philosophy dominating society with a mutually connected, interdependent and supportive culture. Covid-19 is a call for us to unite.

Will we heed the call?

Now is an opportunity for the great reset - a reset of the world. That sounds like a daunting task. It is. So remember this:

"If I change myself the world changes. The great reset - in this moment of crisis - starts with me."

Final Thought on this Covid-19 Pandemic Situation & Aftermath


Who are we? Why are here? How easily things turn upside down

Who are we? How are we here? Why are we here? So easily things can turn upside down and our belongings and values snatched from us as if a candy is taken away from a baby. This negates whatever might we all thought we had, all we can do is just adapt, learn, seek the truth and be a better person than we were yesterday and to unite not to be controlled but for each other. The tyranical forces may try to control in the most subtle of ways but the One above the skies & every creation is ever Merciful & Bountiful. So the question is will we seek what is the truth or remain in the shadows of illusion surrounding us and become the social zombies.